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Is it “Write” or “Right”?

Homophones - a topic that baffled the minds of my third grade class. How could two unrelated words sound exactly the same! “Write” is an action, while “right” is direction. We couldn’t see a connection between these seemingly random words.

While not all homophones have a shared purpose these two words certainly do. All writing is done with a purpose in mind. Op-eds sway. Informational pieces educate. Poems articulate. No matter the topic, every piece of writing moves the reader and writer in a certain direction.

We discover when we write. Writing a meaningful piece takes thought. Most authors spend hours researching in order to accurately craft a concept. Even beyond planning, sculpting sentences solidifies understanding and sheds light on other opinions. How can you form a sentence with forming a standpoint? We must first learn what we want to say before we can write it. That makes writing an introspective process in which we question our beliefs and rediscover ourselves.

We express when we write. Every time we write, we say something about ourselves, expressing ourselves to the world. It can be scary, but it is eternally important. Think about where we would be without the words of Abraham Lincoln, Malala Yousafzai, and Martin Luther King Jr. Our expression tickles into society and prompts change.

We impact when we write. Books. Blueprints. Scripts. Writing is the initial part of any tangible plan. It is the first action we take to achieve our goals. It is those actions that move the world. Writing makes a difference! Books inspire. Blueprints build. Scripts vocalize. So, if writing is so influential why not write for cause and have your writing make an impact on the world? Even better, write for a cause through WriteCause.

WriteCause is a student-run organization that encourages teens to build a stance on a current issue and write for a cause! By writing about a problem, students become part of the solution by moving the world in the right direction. WriteCause has several platforms to achieve their mission.

First is our free writing contest! Every quarter, WriteCause prompts teens to write about a different topic and submit it to our contest. After a review by our highly esteemed judges, WriteCause publishes the winning pieces. Along the way, WriteCause urges participants to donate to a charity that battles the topic’s issue. By writing, participants channel their views and creativity to form a concrete solution.

Next, WriteCause offers workshops. Our workshops approach topics in creative ways and draw participants into the subject matter. Students explore a WriteCause prompt with interactive and discussion-based activities culminating in a capstone writing project. Participants sharpen their writing skills while fine-tuning their awareness, creating writers who are perfectly adept to tackle current crises in their writing.

Lastly, is this blog! Here we will share WriteCause’s journey. On this blog, you can see our new initiatives, writing tips, and take on prompts. Stay tuned!

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